deepveer/看到中间不自觉流泪了确实被狠狠感染到了但其实矛盾冲突没有很大对于看不懂板球的我来说有点无聊但是我想印度人应该挺爱看的明星专题:郑星这种爱国主义情怀吧就跟国庆档咱能看到的那几部有点异曲同工最后我最漂亮的deepi ji嗑到了
Epitome of the mainstream action-comedy Hollywoodia flick. It’s a succession of clicheys and cool jokes, combined in the most formulaic package, completed with the “love is the answer” happy ending, the occasional though useless sexposing, the bloodless violence & action and suspense simulacrum. In it everything is objectified and reduced to a commodified version of reality: flight hostesses are walking tits, radio hosts are hysterical Black queens, villains speak in British accents, Moms are depressive-possessive nagging bitches, half-naked Hawaiians make the welcoming hotel staff, flying food trucks are run by old Asians and the list goes on... Story is laughably weak too.