2014 01-27 mon 港片很久未出的良心之作 麦浚龙作为潮人很好的发挥了自己的优势和特色 将女体宴片注入欧美科幻 未来的前卫感 美术 服装 原声都很棒 故事还可以 希望麦浚龙可以利用自己的资源多拍点突破性的好片~还有海鹏叔演技真是炉火纯青 演神马就是神马 绝对的影帝之范
like seriously thought that Shia labeouf would be able to carry on appearing in some fun action flicks, but this one was not that entertaining. it has some fun entertaning moments in the latter part of the film, but overall one can definitely sense that the film is rather a low budget film which one is not able to have too much anticipation for.