叙事结构与色彩转换都自成一派不过诗意影像本身比条分缕析的阐释尝试更具直击心灵的力量风吹草浪,气球,消逝的热气,崩落天花板,小鸟抛上;浮空,火屋与奶罐倾倒同[牺牲]| 老塔惯用元素总结:长镜,极慢推镜(常至特写),巴赫,骤雨&漏雨,水沼&水草,燃烧的纸/叶/房子,马,狗,苹果,叶渺渺上体育课做引体向上,神迹(9.5/10)
yea it's a mess end up with some aged rock star sing a dated boring song, danny boyle is a wanker bla bla, cos u guys just dont give a sh*t anyway arnt ya. haters gonna hate......for me the tardis landing sound in bohemian rhapsody worth it all
bell hooks, "ethnographic gaze", "an outsider looking in", "does not oppose the way hegemonic whiteness 'represents' blackness but rather assumes an imperial overseeing position that is in no way progressive or counterhegemonic." Judith Butler, "camera itself is empowered as phallic instrument", "the vehicle through which the transubstantiation occurs", "an instrument and effect of lesbian desire", "to enter into a logic of fetishization which installs the ambivalence of that 'performance" as related to our own." 但说实话自己观影时没觉得这部的gaze有多problematic/patronizing叶渺渺上体育课做引体向上可能因为我本身就是一个凝视这个群体的外人